Sunday, April 27, 2008

We're Going Green

FRAMINGHAM, MA. APRIL 27, 2008 - The Underground will be working on forming an important environmental policy for our organization. Our goal will be to minimize waste and carbon footprint generated by our educational programs. The positive changes that we can make together will go a long way in helping our world conserve resources and preserve our environment.

A draft of our environmental policy follows:
The Underground is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our programs and workshops through:

  • Decreasing the amount of solid waste produced by the event
  • Reducing energy and water consumption at the event
  • Minimizing or off-setting harmful emissions resulting from vehicular transportation and energy consumption associated with the event
  • Disposing of solid and liquid waste in an environmentally responsible manner
  • Eliminating the use of harmful chemicals at or for the event
Join us in our enthusiasm for this green initiative by helping us to achieve our goals. Please email your green ideas and suggestions to us. Thanks.

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