Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Article on Find A Landscape Professional Website

We would like to point you to a new consumer article that now appears at our "Find A Landscape Professional" website. Entitled "Garden Speaker Host Etiquette: A Guide to Proper Communication, Care, and Feeding of Your Speaker" it is written by Tony Avent of Plant Delights Nursery in Raleigh, NC.

We would like to thank Tony Avent for giving us permission to reprint his article. We hope it will help Speakers and Event Organizers alike.

If you would like to add your professional listing or speakers listing to our website visit http://theunderground.pbwiki.com/Professional+Listings+and
and submit the appropriate form. Listings are currently free to members.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Underground Nursery Tours Conclude

The Underground Nursery Tours concluded for the season on Saturday June 7th. Our final tour was held in Southern New Hampshire and included "Mason Hollow Nursery and The Mixed Border Nursery and Gardens" in Mason and Hollis, NH. Previous tours included "Theme Gardens and Katsura Gardens" in Pembroke and Plymouth, MA and "NorthStar Farm, Sylvan Nursery and Avant Gardens" in Westport and Dartmouth, MA

Mason Hollow Display Gardens, Mason, NH - Courtesy of Barbara Blake

Thank you to Steve Hancock, Pamela Burton and Barbara Blake for their work in coordinating these tours.

Friday, June 06, 2008

The Underground Co-sponsors the CIPWG Invasive Plant Symposium

We are pleased to announce that The Underground is a co-sponsor of the upcoming invasive plant symposium to be held on October 1, 2008. This one-day symposium is entitled "Cherish Our Natural Heritage: Managing Invasives to Promote Natives." The symposium, open to the public, will be held at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Conn. Keynote speaker, Douglas Tallamy, will explain why having native plants in gardens is so important for sustaining our native wildlife. Concurrent afternoon sessions cover habitat and management in grasslands, forest understories, and aquatic sites, management practices (including organic control), and non-plant invaders. A book sale, research posters, and organizational exhibits will be featured throughout the day. The registration fee, including sustainable food and free parking is $40 (postmarked by September 10) and $50 if postmarked September 11-24. The full day's agenda and registration information are available at www.hort.uconn.edu/cipwg. Continuing education credits (for Pesticide Re-Certification, CT Commercial Forest Practitioners, CT Landscape Architects, and others) will be available. For additional information, or to be mailed a paper copy of the registration brochure, contact Donna Ellis (860) 486-6448.

More than 500 members and growing!

We now have more than 500 members and our group continues to grow and become recognized for its value to the green industry professional. With our growth we have strived to make incremental improvements and enhancements to our grassroots organization and we would like to thank you all for helping us in this endeavor. Please keep up the great work and we look forward continuing to work with you to make this organization everything you want it to be.

Thank you to all our members who lend their support to our group by actively participating in discussions, answering questions, making referrals and generally being helpful to fellow members. We could not do this without you.