Saturday, May 06, 2006

Water-Friendly Landscaping

This program was held at Green Meadow Farms in Hamilton, MA and was coordinated by Susan Quatemen. Thank you Susan.

The guest speaker for "Water-Friendly Landscaping" was Mary Whitney, Principal of Whitney Associates, Salem, MA.

The Water-Friendly Landscaping program explored approaches to water efficient landscaping. Attendees learned how to use a site’s natural features together with landscaping to protect local water resources by reducing storm run-off, preventing erosion, and increasing infiltration. Includes descriptions of lawn alternatives and what plants to include or avoid when landscaping for water health.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, 26 billion gallons of water are used daily in the U.S., of which approximately 7.8 billion gallons (30 percent) are devoted to outdoor use. This program discussed natural landscaping approaches to using water efficiently, through reduced lawn areas, careful planning and design, soil analysis,
mulching, and appropriate plant selection. This approach not only saves water, but also reduces chemical use and can save time, costs, noise and pollution associated with mowing and lawnmowers.

The program provided suggestions and tips to consider when planning future projects or updates for a more water-efficient landscape. It suggested how you could beautify your landscape, keep your family safe, and help the environment using low-cost ways to preserve and protect our water supplies.

Mary L. Whitney is a Planner, Designer, and Educator for ecologically sound land use and Principal of Whitney Associates Landscape Planning | Design | Management located in Salem, MA. She is a member of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Low-Impact Development Working Group, promoting ways that residents, municipalities, and developers can protect local water resources and preserve open space, while fitting human use into natural systems.

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