Saturday, October 14, 2006

From Parking Lot to Wetlands

The Wellesley College Campus master planners sought to restore and renew the landscape with respect to the college's site-sensitive needs and rich tradition. Attendees with an interest in sustainable landscape design, restoration, and native plants were encouraged to attend "From Parking Lot to Wetlands".

The guest speaker was Andrew Gutterman, Michael Van Valkenburg Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA

Landscape architect, Andrew Gutterman, from Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc., and a major player in the design and implementation of this award winning landscape surrounding the new Campus Center at Wellesley College explained how it all evolved. The designers wrestled with brownfield problems, major stormwater management and reconstruction of an original wet meadow. Mr.Gutterman described the design process and lead a tour of the new elevated wetlands, rolling meadows and extensive plantings of native trees and shrubs. This program had something in it for everyone from designers to landscapers to arborists.

Andrew Gutterman has been a guest critic at the Harvard Design School, the Boston Architectural Center and the Rhode Island School of Design. Andrew received a Bachelor of Science degree in ecology at the University of Connecticut in 1996 and a Masters degree in Landscape Architecture from the Harvard Design School in 2000, where he was awarded the Charles Eliot Traveling Fellowship.

American Society of Landscape Architects General Design Award of Excellence 2006. For more information visit

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