Sunday, June 24, 2007

Weir Meadow Nursery Tour with Kurt Tramposch

This was a guided tour of Weir Meadow Nursery in Wayland, MA, led by owner and plantsman, Kurt Tramposch. Weir Meadow specializes in shade perennials, select groundcovers, reblooming daylilies, and native plants.

Tucked away in a bend of the Sudbury River is a gem of a wholesale shade plant grower. Kurt Tramposch, specialty nursery owner and our host, has 34 years of experience supplying designers, contractors, garden centers and institutions throughout the Northeast — including some famous garden spots. Participants asked our expert about the choicest varieties of hardy shade perennials, hostas, ground covers, and native plants including ferns. Kurt prides himself in growing sustainably and organically. He discussed his growing practices and many of his interests.

A Weir Meadow plant list was sent to program attendees so they could come prepared to pick up an order.

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